杨双华 讲席教授 智能科学与工程





E-mail: yangsh@sustc.edu.cn


       杨双华教授长期致力于复杂网络物理系统(Cyber physical System)安全与应急对策的研究,在基于互联网、无线传感器网络和物联网的远程监视、事故监测、海量信息处理、控制系统安全等方面取得一系列开创性成果。2010年获英国测量与控制学会(InstMC)霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)奖,2014 年当选为英国工程与技术学会会士(IET Fellow),同年被所在英国拉夫堡大学授予象征“终身成就奖”的科学博士学位(DSc),科学博士学位是最高荣誉学位,授予在科学研究中做出杰出贡献的校友和现任/离任教授,杨双华教授是所在计算机系建系40年来第二位获此殊荣的学者,也曾今是该校唯一的华人系主任和校议会成员。杨双华教授获得了包括英国自然科学基金、英国政府以及欧盟等提供的二十余项总额达四百余万英镑的项目资助,内容分别涉及互联网的过程控制、应急响应自组织无线网络、远程设计与维护合作平台、无线家居节能网络技术等。杨双华教授在过程安全、系统控制、计算机网络等领域的国际高水平期刊发表学术论文两百余篇,被该领域其他学者广泛引用,其论文A ZigBee-based home automation system, IEEE Tran on Consumer Electronics (2009)是2014年英国高校研究评估中计算机与信息学科类非综述类论文他引次数最高的论文之一。





1988-1991    浙江大学工学                        博士

1983-1986    华东石油学院北京研究生部    硕士

1979-1983    华东石油学院                        学士



2016-至今      南方科技大学计算机系讲席教授

2014-2016    英国拉夫堡大学计算机系系主任

2006-2016    英国拉夫堡大学计算机系教授

2003-2006    英国拉夫堡大学计算机系高级讲师  

2000-2003    英国拉夫堡大学计算机系讲师 

1998-1999    英国拉夫堡大学大学研究员

1997-1998    英国拉夫堡大学博士后

1995-1996    英国利兹大学访问学者

1991-1994    浙江大学副教授、博士后

1986-1988    华东石油学院助教、讲师





2014年获得拉夫堡大学科学博士学位(Doctor of Science

2014年当选为英国工程技术学会会士(IET Fellow




2006年当选为英国测量与控制学会会士(InstMC Fellow

2005年当选为美国IEEE高级会员(IEEE Senior Member



1.Yang S.H., “Wireless Sensor Networks - Principles, Design and Applications”, Springer, 289 pages, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4471-5504-1.

2.Yang, S.H., “Internet-based control systems design and applications”, Springer, 201 pages, 2011, ISBN 978-1-84996-358-9.

3.Yang, H., and Yang, S.H., “ZigBee RFID Sensor Networks: Design and Practice in Resource Monitoring and Tracking for Logistics Centre Management”, 232 pages, 2012, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3847379119.

4.Alhmiedat, T. and Yang, S.H., “Tracking mobile targets through wireless sensor networks”, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 138 pages, 2011, ISBN: 978-3844334609.


1.Huang, S., Zhou, C., Xiong, N., Yang, S. H., Qin, Y. and Zhang, Q., (2016) A General Real-Time Control Approach of Intrusion Response for Industrial Automation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 46(8), pp.1021-1035.

2.Yao, X., Wang, W., Yang, S.H., (2016) Joint Parameter Optimization for Perpetual Nano-networks and Maximum Network Capacity, IEEE Transactions on Molecular, biological, and multi-scale communications, in press.

3.Zhou, C., Huang, S., Xiong N, and Yang, S.H. (2015) Design and analysis of multi-model based anomaly intrusion detection systems for complex industrial processes, IEEE Transactions on Systems, man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 45(10), pp. 1345-1360.

4.Chen, X, I. Akinyemi and S. H. Yang, (2016) A control theoretic approach to achieve proportional fairness in 802.11e EDCA WLANs, Computer Communications,

5.Huang, S. Zhou, C., Yang, S.H., and Qin, Y. (2015) Cyber-physical system security for networked industrial processes, International Journal of Automation and Computing, 12(6), pp. 567-578.

6.Koyuncu, H., and Yang, S.H. (2015) Improved adaptive localization approach for indoor positioning by using environmental thresholds with wireless sensor nodes, IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 5(3), pp.157-165.

7.Yao, X-W, Wang, W-L, Yang, S-H, Cen, Y-F (2014) Bio-inspired self-adaptive rate control for multi- priority data transmission over WLANs, Computer Communications, 53, pp.73-83.

8.Yao, X-W, Wang, W-L, Cen, Y-F, Yao, X-M, Yang, S-H, Pan, T-Q Public review for IPB-frame adaptive mapping mechanism for video transmission over IEEE 802.11e WLANs, Computer Communication Review, 44(2), 2014, pp.5-12

9. Yao, X.W., Wang, W.L., Wu, T.C., Yao, X.M., and Yang, S.H., “A novel hybrid slot allocation mechanism for 802.11e EDCA protocol”, Information Processing Letters, 114, 2014, pp. 25-30.

10.Yang, L., Yang, S. H., and Plotnick, L., “How the Internet of Things technology enhances emergency response operations”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 80(9), pp.1854-1867, 2013.

11.Gill, K., Yang, S.H., Wang, W., “Secure Remote Access to Home Automation Networks”, IET Information Security, 7(2), 118-803, 2013.

12.Yao, X., Wang, W., Yang, S.H., and Chen, S., “PABM-EDCF:  parameter adaptive bi-directional mapping mechanism for video transmission over WSNs”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 63(3), pp. 809-831, 2013.

13.Gill, K, Yang, S-H, Wang, W, “Scheme for preventing low-level denial-of-service attacks on wireless sensor network-based home automation systems”, IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 2(4), pp.361-368, 2012.

14.Zhou, C; Shi, Y; Yang, S.H; Yin, Q; and Qin, Y. “Characteristic Model-based Adaptive Discrete-time Sliding Mode Control for the Swing Arm in a Fourier Transform Spectrometer”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part C: Applications and Reviews, 42(6), pp.1633-1643, 2012.

15.Guan, Z.H., Yang, S.H., and Yao, J., “Stability analysis and H∞ control for hybrid complex dynamical networks with coupling delays”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 22(2), 2012, 205-222.