杨改英 研究教授 智能微纳器件分析检测与评价中心



公共分析测试中心 访问教授

E-mail: yanggy@sustech.edu.cn

       资深材料科学家和分析透射电子显微术专家。现任南方科技大学公共分析测试中心副主任、创新创业学院研究教授,长期从事半导体芯片/智能器件中关键材料及其关键制备工艺的研究,微纳尺度材料物理化学性能对器件关键性能决定性作用的研究,为高性能智能微纳器件研发和生产中的关键技术难题提供基础材料物理化学解决方案。作为团队核心成员参与了Intel公司22纳米、14纳米、10纳米以及更新技术节点产品的研发,从新材料研究到器件制备工艺都做出了重要贡献,研究成果已成功应用于Intel 目前主要CORE系列芯片产品中(CORE i7, CORE i5)。在Ni-BaTiO3贴片电容器研究中发现BaTiO3的半导体化和Ni-BaTiO3界面化学反应是贴片陶瓷电容器性能退化的主要原因,解决了长期制约产品使役性能差的关键难题。研究成果受惠于美国、欧洲及亚洲等多家电子陶瓷公司研发和生产中。基于可公开的基础科学研究成果发表过50余篇期刊论文,被引用800多次。






1990/01 - 1993/12,法国皮埃尔和玛丽•居里大学(巴黎第六大学),材料物理与化学博士

1978/09 - 1982/07,东北大学,材料科学与工程,学士


2020/08 - 至今,      南方科技大学公共分析测试中心,副主任

2017/12 - 2020/07,南方科技大学创新创业学院,研究教授;公共分析测试中心副主任

2016/10 - 2017/06美国纳米谱公司,高级技术人员

2008/11 - 2016/06,美国英特尔公司,高级工程师

2002/01 - 2008/10,美国滨州州立大学研究员

1999/09 - 2001/12,美国马里兰州立大学,研究员

1997/07 - 1998/03,日本国立材料科学研究所,COE特别研究员

1996/09 - 1999/09,清华大学,副教授

1982/08 - 1996/09,北京有色金属研究总院,高级工程师





  J. Am. Ceram. Soc.

       J. Mater. Res.

       Appl. Phys. Lett.



1. S.I. Lee, G.Y. Yang, R.HT Wilke, S. Trolier-McKinstry, C.A. Randall,  “Thermopower in highly reduced n-type ferroelectric and related perovskite oxides and the role of heterogeneous nonstoichiometry”,  Physical Review B, 2009, 79(13):  134110.

2. W. Liu, G. Y. Yang, C. A Randall, “ Evidence for Increased Polaron Conduction Near the Cathodic Interface in the Final Stages of Electrical Degradation in SrTiO3 Crystals”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 48(5R): 051404.

3. G. Y. Yang, P. J. Moses, E. C. Dickey, C. A. Randall, “Local impedance and microchemical analysis of electrical heterogeneities in multilayer electroceramic devices”, J. Mater. Res., 2007, 22(12): 3507-3515.

4. G.Y. Yang, S.I. Lee, Z.J. Liu, C. Anthony, E.C. Dickey, Z.K. Liu, and C.A. Randall, “Effect of Local Oxygen Activity on Ni-BaTiO3 Interfacial Reaction”, Acta Materialia, 2006,54 (13):3513-3523.

5. C.A. Randall, A. Kelnberger, G.Y. Yang, R.E. Eitel, and T.R. Shrout, “High Strain Piezoelectric Multilayer Actutors-A Material Science and Engineering Challenge”, Journal of Electroceramics, 2005, 14(3): 177-191.

6. G. Y. Yang, E.C. Dickey, C. A. Randall, D.E. Barber, P. Pinceloup, M.A. Henderson, R.A. Hill, J.J. Beeson, and D. J. Skamser, “Oxygen Non-Stoichiometry and Dielectric Evolution of Ni-BaTiO3 Base-Metal Electrode Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors: Part I, Improvement of Insulation Resistance with Reoxidation”, J. Appl. Phys., 2004, 96(12), 7492-7499.

7. G. Y. Yang, G.D. Lian, E.C. Dickey, C. A. Randall, D.E. Barber, P. Pinceloup, M.A. Henderson, R.A. Hill, J.J. Beeson, and D. J. Skamser, “Oxygen Non-Stoichiometry and Dielectric Evolution of Ni-BaTiO3 Base-Metal Electrode Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors: Part II, insulation resistance degradation under applied dc bias”, J. Appl. Phys., 2004, 96(12), 7500-7508.

8. D. I. Woodward, I. M. Reaney, G. Y. Yang, E. C. Dickey and C. A. Randall, “Vacancy ordering in reduced barium titanate”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2004, 84(23), 4650-4652.

9. G. Y. Yang, E.C. Dickey, C. A. Randall, M. S. Randall, L.A. Mann, “Modulated and ordered defect structures in electrically degraded Ni-BaTiO3 multilayer ceramic capacitors”, J. Appl. Phys., 2003, 94(9), 5990-5996.

10. H. C. Kim, W. Volksen, R. D. Miller, E. Huang, G. Y. Yang, R. M. Briber, K. Shin and S. K. Satija, “Neutron Reflectivity on Nanoporous Poly(Methylsilsesquioxane) Thin Film”, Chem. Mater., 2003, 15(3), 609-611.

11. G. Y. Yang, J. Finder, J. Wang, Z. L. Wang, Z. Yu, J. Ramdani, R. Droopad, K. Eisenbeiser, R. Ramesh, “Study of microstructure in SrTiO3/Si by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy”, J. Mater. Res., 2002, 17(1): 204-213.

12. G. Y. Yang and Jing Zhu, “3d Occupancy Determination From Fe L2,3 Electron Energy-Loss Spectra of Nanocrystalline-Amorphous Fe73.5Cu1Mo3Si13.5B9 Alloy”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2000, 220, 65-71.

13. G. Y. Yang, E. Etchessahar, J. P. Bars, R. Portier and J. Debuigne, “Interface Structure of Ceramic Composite in Ti-Zr-N Ternary System”, phys. stat. sol. (a), 2001, 185(2), 441-452.

14. G. Y. Yang, Jing Zhu, W. D. Wang, Z. Zhang and F. W. Zhu, “Precipitation of Nanoscale Co Particles in a Granular Cu-Co Alloy with Giant Magnetoresistance”, Mater. Res. Bull, 2000, 35(6): 875-885.

15. G. Y. Yang, Y. Bando, M. Saeki and M. Onoda, “Structural Characterizations of 6H-Barium Niobium Sulfide”, Acta Mater., 1998, 46(17), 5985-5992.